My impression of EXT4 -- WTH!?

Ok, so I reinstalled my linux partition with Ubuntu 9.04 x64 and decided to try EXT4 on the root partition. Like, yesterday.
Managed to get the Citrix client running (way more easy on Ubuntu than Fedora, I’ll be back on that) and all without too much fuzz.

First reboot gave me a “let’s FSCK!”. So I FSCK-ed and booted up to the desktop.

Second reboot gave me a “let’s FSCK!”. And I did. Booted to the desktop.

Third boot went smoothly, but all of a sudden all the icons decided to go AWOL. Rebooted again.

Fourth boot gave me a “let’s FSCK!”. I replied with “Well FSCK You!”

Fifth boot gave me a “let’s FSCK!”. I rebooted back to Windows 7.

Tonight I am reinstalling Ubuntu 9.04 x64 with EXT3.
